Almost Owen: “One Lucky Man”

By: Jared Free
July 14, 2019

“One Lucky Man” is the friendship anthem you didn’t know you needed from Almost Owen. Listen below, Gas Maskers!

A lot of songs focus on love, loss and drama. But the most important relationships in our lives are really those with our friends! They support us and give us the strength to go on through the ups and downs of this rollercoaster ride we call life. The latest single from Almost Owen is the perfect song that describes just how instrumental good friends are. The catchy folk-pop instrumentation is a great backdrop to his anthemic lyrics that are way too easy to sing along to. We recommend busting this one out to show your appreciation for your friends this summer!

If you’re one lucky person, let us know which friend this makes you think of on. Hit us up on Instagram and twitter gasmaskmagazine today!


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